Oak Summit Nursery
Golden Currant (Ribes aureum)
Golden Currant (Ribes aureum)
Golden Currant, also known as Clove Currant, is a tough and adaptable shrub native to Canada and the central United States. It grows 6-10 feet tall and has a loose, rounded shape, with green, three- to five-lobed leaves that turn a warm red in the fall. Its compact size and vibrant foliage make it a good fit for naturalized areas or smaller gardens.
In spring, it produces clusters of small, golden-yellow flowers that have a spicy, clove-like fragrance. The blooms, which sometimes range from cream to reddish tones, are an early food source for pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.
The fruit ripen to amber yellow or black.
Cold Hardiness Zone: 3
Mature Size: 6-10 ft tall, 4-6 ft wide