Oak Summit Nursery
American Mountain Ash Seeds (Sorbus americana) - 50+ Seeds
American Mountain Ash Seeds (Sorbus americana) - 50+ Seeds
American Mountain Ash is an attractive small to medium sized tree with compound leaves and white flowers in the spring and bright orange/red fruit in the fall for wildlife.
Native from Newfoundland to Manitoba
Package Contains: 50+ Seeds
Seed Source: Eastern Canada
Hardiness Zone: 3
Stratification Required: Cold Stratify 150 days
Storage: Keeping refrigerated for longer term storage. Seeds can be viable for several years.
Planting instructions: Soak seed 24 hrs. Fall plant into prepared seed beds, or cold stratify in a refrigerator and plant into seedbeds or pots in the spring. Sow 1/16" deep and cover with mulch. Germination can continue over 2-3 year period.