Oak Summit Nursery
Brianna Grape Seeds (Vitis labrusca x Vitis vinifera) - Cold Hardy Green Grape - Zone 3 - 30+ Seeds
Brianna Grape Seeds (Vitis labrusca x Vitis vinifera) - Cold Hardy Green Grape - Zone 3 - 30+ Seeds
Brianna grape seeds collected locally in zone 3 southern Manitoba, it's a popular green grape for cold climates. Seeds will produce genetically distinct vines but you'll get some with similar fruit. Brianna is early ripening and has medium to large yellow-green fruit with a soft, juicy pulp and good flavor. It's from a cross between native North American and European grape species, Brianna thrives in cooler climates. Its fruit is good for fresh eating, juices, and white wines, with a balanced sweetness that becomes richer with full sun exposure.
Hardiness Zone: 3-4
Cold Stratification: 180 days
Seed source: Manitoba